How Video Lighting Works

Video lighting is very different from photographic lighting. #led video light#
You need constant light to capture the right record. Non-flickering lights may look good when used for still photography, but they #led video light# can have a detrimental effect on your video recordings.

Light and color have an interesting relationship. Since the camera #led video light# captured the image, the two color models interacted in a “capture to print” workflow.
A color model called four-color printing, or CMYK (for cyan, magenta, yellow, and black), traditionally used for anything in print. #led video light#
This is called the subtractive color model because printing inks reduce the light that would normally be reflected off surfaces. Meaning, the ink subtracts the brightness from the white background: #led video light#

#led video light#Another color model RGB stands for red, green and blue. Today it is mostly used in digital design as it represents color on computer, TV and mobile phone screens.

RGB is known as the additive color system. These colors are added together in different combinations to create a broad spectrum. #led video light# In the RGB model, light is mixed by superimposing red, green and blue beams. #led video light#
At zero intensity, each of these colors appears black, and at full intensity, they appear white. #led video light#
Most LED camera lights #led video light#, and any light source that emits light, rely on the RGB model:

You need to keep this in mind whenever you light something #led video light# as your lights may not always have the same color temperature and you often have to light based on the sun or available light. #led video light#
Many of the GVM brand LEDs are bi-colored, which means you can adjust the color of the light with a knob on the back of the fixture. #led video light#

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